The Mirror Season / Anna-Marie McLemore / Book Review

THE MIRROR SEASON Everything changed for Ciela the night of the party. Instead of driving home with her best friend talking and laughing about cute boys and the end of the school year, Ciela found herself fleeing the ER, leaving the cute boy behind. She lost something that night--a lot of things--and she can't admit to herself what happened to her, what happened to the boy she left at the ER. She doesn't even know his name. Ciela tries to block everything out, to forget and move on, but the world won't let her. She can no longer guess the perfect pan dulce for the patrons of her family's store--a gift for guessing passed down by her great-grandmother. She can no longer wear red lipstick. Most frightening of all, she can no longer trust the world around her as it slowly turns to piercing glass, ready to shatter at her touch. Ciela resigns herself to this cold, lonely existence until that boy from the party shows up at her scho...