This Golden State / Marit Weisenberg / Book Review

THIS GOLDEN STATE Poppy knows the rules. She can't tell anyone her name. She can't ask her parents any questions. And when it's time to go, there can be no hesitation and no mistakes. After seventeen years on the run, these rules are all Poppy knows. She doesn't know why her family is running. She doesn't know her parents' real names. She doesn't know who she is, not really. And after seventeen years without a clue, she thinks it's high time she found out. Even if that means sneaking behind her parents' back to take a DNA test. She's not the criminal, right? Surely nobody will be looking for her. THOUGHTS This book was really, really good, but I also... didn't have strong feelings about it. There's nothing wrong with it, really. There's a lot that's great about it. It just doesn't feel like something that'...