Every Time You Hear That Song / Jenna Voris / Book Review

EVERY TIME YOU HEAR THAT SONG People will hear my accent and just assume I voted a certain way or that I'm uneducated or that I, like, accidentally endorsed a political insurrection on the internet. Darren Purchase doesn't belong in this town. She's reminded of that every time she publishes an article in the school paper that people don't appreciate. She's reminded of that every long hour she works at the gas station up the road. She's reminded of that every time she listens to a Decklee Cassel song and dares to dream of escaping, of getting out just like Decklee did. So when Darren finds out that country music legend Decklee Cassel has died, she can't help but tune in to the televised funeral. She's not the only one. Everyone wants to see what's inside Decklee's long-promised time capsule. Decklee hinted at the contents all her careers--the journals, the letters, the lyrics and never-released songs. So when the capsule...