Blade of Secrets / Tricia Levenseller / Book Review

BLADE OF SECRETS Ziva prefers metal to people. She is renowned in the land for the blades she makes, blades infused with the magic her mother passed on to her. More and more strangers from across the land come in search of Ziva's blades, but her young sister and business partner Temra keeps them at a distance--which is a good thing. Ziva can't breathe when strangers are around. When a warlord comes seeking out her services, however, Ziva can barely refuse--and she doesn't really want to. She will get the bounty of a lifetime for the blade she makes, and she puts all of her energy into one final creation: a blade that steals the victim's secrets. When Ziva learns that the warlord plans to use this blade to make a country of slaves, however, Ziva steals the sword. Along with her sister, a mercenary, and a traveling scholar, she flees for her life, the fate of the country in the balance. PROS ...