Artifacts of an Ex / Jennifer Chen / Book Review

ARTIFACTS OF AN EX When Chloe Chang gets a box from her boyfriend in the mail, she thinks it's going to be some grand romantic gesture. Not a break-up box. But it turns out long distance isn't his thing, and now that she's moved across the country, he's on to greener pastures. Devastated and alone except for her family in a new city, Chloe turns to her only means of expression: art curating. There just so happens to be a new venue up the street looking to feature some teen art, and she's got a great idea: a collection of breakup boxes, all those artifacts left behind when a relationship goes south. She's got the perfect name for it, too: Heartifacts. Opening night doesn't quite go off with the bang Chloe hoped. The exhibit is just picking up steam when she spots someone illegally filming and rushes in to stop him. So enters Daniel Kwak, young wannabe teen director who has big ideas for her exhibit--and a big crus...