Our Cursed Love / Julie Abe / Book Review

OUR CURSED LOVE When best friends Cam and Remy arrive in Tokyo for winter break, Remy knows this is her chance. Soon enough, they'll both leave for college half a world away from each other, and if Remy doesn't confess her feelings now, while they're together, she might never get up the nerve to confess. And she doesn't know how she could live with herself if Cam found some other girl to spend the rest of his life with. But first, some courage. When Remy gets selected for a mystical tea leaves reading, she jumps at the chance. Soulmates, true love: that's what everybody asks fortune-tellers about, right? But her reading reveals something devastating: they're not meant to be together. In fact, Remy doesn't have a soulmate at all. When Cam and Remy stumble onto a secret, magical alchemist bar, Remy sees her last chance to make it work out between them: a soulmate elixir, created long before love potions were banned...