Relit: 16 Latinx Remixes of Classic Stories / Sandra Proudman, Editor / Book Review

RELIT: 16 LATINX REMIXES OF CLASSIC STORIES Lizzie and Darcy launched into space. Hamlet and Ophelia on Mars. Frankenstein and his monster in the depths of the sea. Gatsby's blinking green siren call off the shore of Costa Rica. In an anthology of epic proportions, sixteen classic tales are spun anew, with Latinx characters at the heart and a particularly speculative edge. Falling in love, battling mythical monsters, and speaking up against the powers that be: these classic stories feel brand new again! THOUGHTS The high points of this anthology are really high. Excellent characters, familiar and startingly new in presentation, stand on backdrops that are strangely speculative and utterly familiar at the same time. These stories stay as true to their originals as speculative counterparts can, and I adore that! At the same time, as is usually the case with anthologies, not all...