Lockjaw / Matteo L. Cerilli / Book Review

LOCKJAW He was raised on a playing-card-spoked bike, where people looked away. Away from the names on the playground, away from the kids walking into graves, or else shoved into them. Paz Espino knows there's something wrong with this town. She's always known it, but what happened to Chuck Warren just proves it. Sure, the cops said it was just a tragic accident, but Paz knows better. There's a monster in the old mill. There's a monster stalking this town. And if nobody else will take her seriously, well, she and her friends will have to be the ones to root it out and get rid of this evil for good. When Asher drifts into town, he's just looking for a place to call his own. A place that doesn't know him. A place that will give him a chance, with his new name and his new look and his scruffy dog. This town doesn't want to be that place, but Asher's willing to do what it takes to force his way in anyway. But with a monster stalk...