All the Truth I Can Stand / Mason Stokes / Book Review

ALL THE TRUTH I CAN STAND Ash has never been more alone in the world. Reeling from the loss of his mother, ostracized by his former friends, and not exactly on friendly terms with his remaining family, Ash has nobody. Until his father signs him up to be stage crew for the local college's production of Oklahoma! Ash didn't really think he'd find a home in the theatre, but that's exactly what he's found. At least with Jenna and Shane. A student reporter, Jenna knows just how to draw Ash out of his shell, and Shane... Well, how could anyone not be drawn to the talented and magnetic star of the show? Of course, Ash's own inclination toward Shane might be a little bit more than starstruck awe. But it's 1990s Wyoming, and coming out isn't exactly easy. Or safe. When Shane's brutal murder rocks the community (and the nation), Ash finds himself reeling again. But the Shane he knew might not be the real Shane. And the real Sh...